Unresolved imbalance?
  • In Ordizia we need an intervention plan that will bring us to balance; a plan that will allow us to get out of competition and the risk of annual registration, to give stability and to distribute the pupils of the people in a balanced way.
Ordiziako Euskal Eskola Publikoaren komunitatea 2024ko maiatzaren 07a

On many occasions we have denounced the imbalance between schools in Ordizia (too often). On other occasions we have called on the Basque Government to take concrete steps to get the situation moving. But those in charge of the Department of Education seem determined to perpetuate the imbalance in Ordizia.

One fifth of the population of Ordizia originates abroad. In any case, the proportion of children from these families is significantly higher. Among the youngest children, two in five families originate abroad. And as we have explained to the point of getting tired, most of them study in the Public School, three out of four children from families of foreign origin. However, in the Public School there are only one in three children from families of Basque origin.

The imbalance is even greater in terms of the Basque knowledge of the families; three out of four families who know nothing or little about Basque are in the public school.

The Public School also includes children from almost all families suffering from a difficult socio-economic situation.

Anyone can deduce the impact that this imbalance has on coexistence, equality, social justice, social inclusion or Euskaldunization, and the tensions, problems and difficulties it generates.

These are numbers and proportions that increase year after year. The imbalance has multiplied by five over the last eight years.

We have repeatedly asked the Basque Government for measures to channel and balance the situation, but the reality has worsened.

The “vulnerability index” created by the Department of Education to address imbalances has hardly changed the situation in Ordizia. In the last two years this index has only been used to remove students from the Public School.

The “vulnerability index” created by the Department of Education to address imbalances has hardly changed the situation in Ordizia. In the last two years this index has only been used to remove students from the Public School, although there are free places in the Public School. The imbalance is hardly affected.

In the locality with the above-mentioned migration and Euskaldunization data, the “vulnerability rate” that the Government has established this year has been 11.63 per cent, four times lower than that reflected in the objective data. Public School vulnerability index, 14.29%.

Last year we complained that the “vulnerability rates” of 34.74% and the rates of 41.30% for the Public School did not reflect our reality, and this year? And no movement or change in enrollment? No step towards imbalance?

It should be remembered that in calculating the “vulnerability index”, the Department of Education does not take into account objective data such as the origin of the families, the knowledge of the Basque Country, the tax return, the properties or the use of social services or social assistance. Instead, every family is asked if they have Netflix, how many bathrooms they have at home, number of smartphones, tablets or e-books from their families, whether they have Internet access or not...

The repetition of the situation condemns us to a permanent imbalance and tension. And we don't want that, either for the Public School or for the people.

Ordizia, based on these objective data, needs an intervention plan that will bring the local schools to balance. A plan that allows the center to get out of the competition and risk of annual enrollment, give stability and balance to the students of the municipality. As Ararteko insists in the last five years, taking into account the freedom of choice of the center of families, but without putting the local balance first.

Citizen coexistence, equality, social justice, inclusion and Euskaldunisation are worth it. We need politicians and government prepared for this.

Community of the Basque Public School of Ordizia