"As the conquerors we have to invent a New World"
  • The racist and eurocentrist flow of Josep Borrell, the European Union’s diplomatic leader, is continuing. On this occasion, it supports the conquest of America with MEPs and parliamentarians from South and Central America.
Axier Lopez @axierL 2022ko abenduaren 02a

On Wednesday, Josep Borrell, head of diplomatura of the European Union, participated in the EuroLat conference, composed of 150 European and Latin American parliamentarians. And the Catalan member of the PSOE has had no better idea to analyze the current situation than: “Like discoverers and conquerors, we have to invent a New World. Our strategic compass must be recalibrated with all historical awareness to understand the importance of the changes before us.”

The West has made reference to a system based on violence, racism and plundering of the people of origin, because Borrell, at this time of the swirls, needs to strengthen ties between the European Union and Latin America: We need each other more than ever."

Eurocentric expression of Endistance

“Europe is a garden […], and the rest of the world is not exactly a garden. The rest of the world is the jungle, and the jungle can occupy the garden,” Borrell said in early October at the opening ceremony of the European Diplomatic Academy. And, calmly launching a xenophobic and civilizing discourse of the extreme right, he added: "Gardeners have to go to the jungle. Europeans must commit themselves much more to the world. Otherwise, the rest of the world invades us in various ways and means."

In April 2019, at the Casa de América de México, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Spanish Government, stressed that the Mexican President, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, calls upon the countries of origin a series of "topics" built from the "Black Legend". The Black Legend, promoted by the right and the extreme right of Spain, points out that in order to dirty Spanish history, anti-Spanish and anti-African propaganda has been disseminated in the world, especially to stifle the Spanish Empire and hide the “achievements” of the Spanish people. In this sense, Borrell defined the conquest as: "It was a civil war between the indigenous people, where we used pragmatic intelligence like Alexander the Great." He also stressed that thanks to Spain "a new society was created, a new political development, and that there is nothing more to see than going to Latin America, when those from there tell you that it was a matter of indigenous conquests and independence of the Spaniards".

In November 2018, at a forum to discuss the future of Europe at the Complutense University of Madrid, he stated that "they did not only kill four Indians" to achieve the independence of the United States. Borrell also stressed that the fact that everyone uses the same language and that history is very small helps to consolidate political integration.