Containment considerations
  • He's 11 April. In Utretch or in Leipzig, people can walk in the street, children too; here they can't. If you have a dog – what parades these days, dogs of all kinds; more loved than ever, less abandoned than ever! – or just to do shopping, or to work and suffice.
Pako Sudupe 2020ko apirilaren 12a

Yesterday I read in Berria what a tolosarra living in Utrech said: “…we can get out on the street. They have left the decision on how to act in the hands of the civil conscience. However, there is no one on the street.” A friend who lives in Leipzig today: “People are in pairs or in groups. If they're from the same house they work normally and if they don't leave a little more space, 1.5 meters. But in general, you see people on the bicycle, lying in the prairies -- there's a lot of difference to the one there. I think the older ones are more careful.”

Yes, there is a terrible difference! Here, in the Basque Autonomous Community or Autonomous Community of Navarre dependent on the Kingdom of Spain, children at home and adults also, except for exceptional departures. Do infections, hospitalizations and deaths have worse results in Holland and Germany? No. Quite the opposite. Where's the difference? In civic consciousness?

"Freedom to strengthen civic awareness is essential, and together with rights we also have duties to feel and put ourselves into practice"

Freedom to strengthen civic awareness is essential, and together with rights we also have duties to feel and to put ourselves into practice. If I go out on the street and the Ertzaines or municipal police stop me, or I'm afraid of it, and that's why I'm in lockdown, what I do is not a free choice, but a forced choice, and therefore I have neither merit nor guilt, I'm or I'm close to becoming a puppet dependent on the authorities.

Yes, but I am listening, out of solidarity, out of Community solidarity, to stay at home: Stay at home! Then, in the media, they will applaud our position.

It's not applauding, it's not free. It is to be commended that Utrech or Leipzig, despite their freedom, make responsible use of it, but for this freedom is essential.

The great power (the Government of Spain and the factual powers) ordered the confinement, and in all the autonomy of the kingdom, confined at home. Small mandates, that is, the Basque Government does not want to stop the economy, a path between health and the economy; a pandemic to quickly overcome the toughest dissidence measures, in China. The truth is that we already have a month at home, inevitably surrendered between the four walls. And you don't know when the harsh orders are going to be defused. And without freedom, conscience and civic responsibility to a very low degree.

In general, the authorities consider the citizens immature. On the issue of waste, door to door was an intolerable imposition – unfortunately excuse and fodder for the worst political struggle – and we would show our civic conscience in freedom. But it was a lie, because the incinerator's project had already been approved and started to move forward, and now it is about to start, appealing to the excellent civic conscience of citizenship was a trap and a trap. Bad policy, and we will all suffer the regrettable consequences of this bad policy.

"The great power (the Government of Spain and the factual powers) ordered the confinement, and in all the autonomy of the kingdom, confined at home"

In the current health crisis, on the contrary, it has been decided to cut freedom almost completely. Solo or forbidden ride. It is forbidden to leave individually with young children. Forbidden to go to the mountain. They also travel by car, even if they do not cause harm to anyone. Bombard the media to stay at home and stay at home.

I'd go crazy if I wanted everyone to do whatever I want. No. I call for responsible and supportive use. But with more freedom. Otherwise, consider it as an eternal child, who, through the media and police, the authorities lecture and deny freedom, make us content with the poisonous carrot, making us a puppet at last.

Punishing with fines the behaviour deserving of the fine, even those that move in any way, but we must have more confidence in the public – and we have seen these days more clearly how power devours the small authority – so that we have more and more freedom and a better civic conscience. We are not children to be treated as children!

How are we going to get out of this? Will we return before much or nothing will be the same as before? I have little hope that things will change a lot or a lot. It would not be a bad thing if it were to become more northerly and, among other things, if the small authority it was exercising here were to have a determined commitment to power, to increase the rights and the civic confidence of individuals.