Kentucky EE.UU : Containment protests multiply the number of infections
  • This Sunday, 293 new cases have been recorded in the state of Kentucky (EE.UU. ), the highest number so far of new cases. These data have been released after far-right protests against the lockdown that took place last Friday. In total, there are 2,960 cases throughout the State.
Maria Ortega Zubiate @ortegazubiate 2020ko apirilaren 21
Konfinamenduaren aurkako protestak Kentuckyn (AEB). Argazkia: St. Lucia News Online.

Last Friday, during the press conference where Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear entered the room a group of protesters against the lockdown calling for non-essential businesses to be opened. According to data from the National Institute of Statistics (INE), unemployment data in Spain have risen significantly.

The United States Government has made it a condition that the containment measures are reduced: in fourteen days the numbers of new infections are reduced. Beshir has stated that the State has not yet complied with these data and that adjustment measures cannot therefore be withdrawn.

Trump's support

In the United States, each state is responsible for the lockdown, and although the government has set a number of criteria, state measures depend on the governor. Democratic states therefore have stricter measures than Republicans in general.

In defense of "freedom", some of the concentrates have left the street claiming their freedom to go out into the street and consume in business. Some even came to compare lockdown with communism. Others have risen up against unemployment, claiming that the closure of businesses is detrimental to their economic situation. Whatever the reason, the protesters have the support of the president, as Donald Trump himself has stated: "They have the right to protest. Some governors are imposing too stringent measures.”



"You can't quarantine the Constitution," protest the lockdown in Kentucky (USA). Photo: