Sánchez reiterates that the Government of Spain will decide on the de-escalation process
  • This Sunday morning the seventh meeting was held between the President of the Autonomous Communities and that of Spain. Torra and Urkullu have asked the Autonomous Communities to decide how the confinement should be given. Chivite and Urkullu have made a number of requests.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko apirilaren 26a
Argazkia: Moncloa.

As at last week’s meeting, the Spanish Government’s President, Pedro Sánchez, has made it clear that the Spanish Government will decide how to proceed. has reported that several presidents have called for greater community involvement in the definition or management of these measures. The president of the Generalitat, Quim Torra, stressed the ineffectiveness of the centralized model and asked Sánchez to change the state of alarm so that the decisions are left to the autonomies. Subsequently, the CAV lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu, has called for "co-governance" and "respect for self-government", setting Germany as an example. “More criteria and less instructions,” Urkullu said. To the two Sánchez responds with very similar words: “We’re doing an integration process and I think it can be uncomfortable, but we have a responsibility to coordinate de-escalation and we’re not going to avoid that responsibility.”

Chivite for “shared” responsibilities and leadership

Both the President of Navarra, María Chivite, and the lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu, appeared after the meeting. Chivite agrees with both the Spanish Government’s de-escalation plan and the way it is managed: “[Health] The Ministry will establish the general framework and Navarre will manage this asymmetric phase taking into account our health and social reality. Shared responsibilities and shared leadership are compatible."

Chivite has announced that it will set up a "Transition Commission" which will study the steps to be taken in the next legislature. He addressed three of his main requests to the President, Socialist José María Sánchez. As regards agricultural work, he has defended the right of workers to move throughout the Upper Navarre (currently only work can be done in the municipality of residence or next door). As for the educational centers, he has asked that the recovery of classroom classes should not be excluded at the end of the course. In the field of economic policy, it has proposed making the spending rule more flexible so that the autonomous communities can have more money.

Urkullu looks at trade and summer

At the meeting, Urkullu called for the Basque Government's "Plan for the Transition to a New Normalcy". Looking to the future, he has highlighted two issues. On the one hand, a proposal for the progressive opening of shops in general, with the same measures as those applied to food. On the other hand, the need to “share criteria” for summer in areas such as cultural or sports activities, citizen events, beach and swimming pool management or physical activity.