Published the book on the bombing of the Condor Legion in Munitibar in 1937
  • Munitibar 26/04/1937: Chronicle of an air strike and public presentation on Sunday. On 26 April 1937, the Condor Legion attacked the inhabitants of Munitibar. In the afternoon of the same day he was prologue to the massacre in Gernika.
Urko Apaolaza Avila @urkoapaolaza 2023ko apirilaren 19a
Junkers Ju-52 bonbardatzailearen pilotu kabinako irudia. Argazkia: Ahaztuen Oroimena

Before Gernika set fire on April 26, 1937, the Condor Legion carried out an airstrike in Munitibar that morning, throwing dozens of bombs at the villagers and refugees who were refugees there, destroying many buildings and subsequently hitting the survivors.

The bombings of Gernika or Durango are well known, but many of those carried out by German aircraft are more unknown, such as Munitibar.

Munitibar 26/04/1937: Chronicle of an aerial assault is presented this Sunday at 12:00 in the Municipal Hall of Munitibar.

The book has been elaborated from testimonies and interviews received in recent years, as well as previous published works and obtained documentation: “We have tried to cite everything received to document, preserve and value the collected”, explained from the association.

They wanted to tell as a chronicle what happened on April 26, 1937, “in order to collect individual experiences and build a general account”. In this sense, they have contextualized the days before and after the bombing in order to help understand what happened. Fears, injuries, deaths, burials... also have, therefore, tail.

The book contains information such as the list of munitibartars who had been on the front lines, the refugees in Munitibar and the burial and exhumation carried out. The Memory of the Forgotten explains that they have made an effort to form a “collective narrative”.

In Astigarraga is premiered the documentary Orri zuria bet

The City Hall of Astigarraga has made the documentary "Orri zuria bet", which collects the testimonies of the victims of the 1936 war and of the Franco regime in Astigarraga, which this Friday will be premiered in the theater of the Ribera at 18:30 hours.

The documentary, directed by Eneritz Aulestia and Unai Alberdi, is based on the study by historian Maddalen Laburu. Laburu completed the list of victims in Astigarraga from 1936 to 1945, thanks to a research grant awarded by the City Council. Now, the author himself stands before the camera and talks to several relatives and experts to fade this story.

For the mayor of Astigarraga, Xabier Urdangarin, “building a shared memory of what happened and reconstructing coexistence” are essential initiatives.