A revolutionary community calling for mutual assistance
Galdakaoko Elkarlaguntza Sarea 2022ko maiatzaren 25

Since 2017 we have been committed to collaboration in our collective. To cope with the System of Domination, which is the union between capitalism, patriarchy and the structures of colonialism, we only see the path of mutual aid.

We usually think in an organizational way when the Mutual Assistance Networks come to the forefront of us, but historically society has built its affective and economic relations through the solidarity network and associative informality, beyond the forms of commodification and bureaucratization. Even today, knowing and recognizing models of socialization outside the market in our day to day is still a huge political potential. And this dynamic provides mobilizing capacity to the path of Mutual Aid.

This does not mean, in any case, that these are relationships that live outside the logic of the System of Domination, but that they are presented to us as the most effective routes towards the emancipatory goal through the creation of strong relationships, the agglutination of movement and practice.

"The objective of these spaces of conflict, organization and politicization is to create an antagonistic movement: Antagonistic movement against the Domination System

Changing the world is not easy. Often, in Euskal Herria we have considered it sufficient to address the great limits of time, with the objective of providing historical energy to workers through epicity. But it is essential to promote shared complicity, so that the militancy, rather than a continuous sacrifice, is integrated into a normality, order daily life, giving it another form, not only the one mediated by the discipline. We could say that the shared feelings and the construction of projects capable of illusioning have been very effective, and only the socialization we generate in daily life can feed the new reality we want to spread more and more.

We have already realized that ENAM, which in recent decades has had the capacity to mobilize the working class in the Basque Country, cannot fulfil this role today, after the failure of the revolutionary project. Therefore, it is essential to build a self-organized creation of new political expressions, a conflict and an organization – housing unions, mutual aid networks, gaztetxeak, … – and a space of politicization and learning for those who have never militated.

The objective of these spaces of conflict, organization and politicization is to create an antagonistic movement: It is the antagonistic movement against the Domination System. Let us never forget that the enemy is not only on the outside, but also in the relations between us. Therefore, in the ability to shape the daily effort, we will find the potential of the revolutionary community.

We can then say that for this antagonist movement to be effective our ideological framework and, therefore, our attitudes and actions need a profound process of decriminalization and decolonization, as well as of strengthening class and solidarity class consciousness.

In addition to the day-to-day work of all these ideas, the tipping points fuel all of this, and that is why we have organised the Mutual Aid Week so that these ideas can explode for a week, from 20 to 26 June, dedicating every day to one of the political lines that we work on a day-to-day basis.

All these days we will eat together (each contributes his own). Needless to say, you are all invited. Childcare, food diversity and linguistic translations will be taken into account in all initiatives.