Censor a comic book for dealing with LGBT issues
  • The Catalan comedian Carles Ponsí has just been Pride Day. A website that makes comic book reviews has told him that he is not going to mention the comic because, although “it’s a good job, fun and very fun”, “we live a time of great social tension around delicate issues. As most of our readers are heterosexual, we believe that residing an LGBT comic book can harm us.”
Mikel Garcia Idiakez @mikelgi 2020ko uztailaren 02a
Argazkia: Grafito Editorial.

The hypocrisy of those responsible for the web focuses on: “We want to stress that we have no prejudice – they tell the historian – and we would like society not to be like that, but unfortunately we are tied by the visits we receive on the web.”

Curiously, Carles Ponsí received the message on the occasion of the celebration of LGBT Pride Day in Donostia. He has denounced it on social media, but he has not wanted to give his name to the web so that "it does not harm the resurrection of other cartoonists who are not to blame."

Since he told what happened, many people have offered to collaborate in the dissemination of the comic book. Sex Evil is the comic book that the heterosexual reader can make you uncomfortable.