Iraultza Unzueta Solozabal, Itziar Otaegi Tena, Lide Totorikaguena Iturriaga, Miren Artetxe Sarasola and Eneko Zuloaga San Roman have been the winners of the VII Literary Contest in the Basque Country. Koldo Mitxelena Award for her thesis in Basque.
The UPV/EHU and Euskaltzaindia launched the "Koldo Mitxelena Awards for Thesis in Euskera" fourteen years ago, with the aim of promoting and promoting research in Euskera. The awards are divided into five areas of knowledge: Sciences; Engineering and Architecture; Health Sciences; Social and Legal Sciences; and Arts and Humanities.
This year’s competition has featured 74 authors, the highest figure in history, and the winners have been:
The winners will receive an accreditation diploma and a cash prize of EUR 2,000 gross.