Euskarabidea awards the works of Koldo Colomo and José Luis Erdozia
  • The Government of Navarra has published the two winners of the Basque language studies competition, organized by Euskarabidea and the Navarro Institute of Vascuence. The prize has been for Koldo Colomo, Hiztegi ttipia. By the book Izarbe and Mañeru Ibarretako euskal izengoitiak, and by Jose Luis Erdozia, Lexia osakiak, by Jose Luis Erdozia in the Navarre dialect. The aim of this competition is to promote lexicographical, dialectological, toponymic and sociolinguistic research on the Basque Country and to promote the publication of studies carried out by researchers in this field.
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Koldo Colomo is a Basque technician from Gares and Hiztegi ttipia. In the work Izarbe and Mañeru Ibarretako euskal izengoitiak has collected 425 pseudonyms of Mañeruibar e Valdizarbe, from bibliographic and documentary sources. The author has compiled the onomastic heritage of both valleys with the aim of offering the reader lexical and linguistic resources for informal registration in Basque.

Another award winner was the Euskaltzaindia scholar José Luis Erdozia, who was the corresponding scholar: Like before. In the study of Basque speech lexicons in Navarra more than nine hundred locutions, expressions or expressions, verbal perifrasis, etc. are collected, which normally do not appear in dictionaries as principal introduction or sub-introduction to dictionaries. They are the ones used by the speakers in the fields of the Basque language in Navarre, and some of them are still used.