Pamplona organises the Climate Alternative Summit
  • The UN will hold the COP27 climate emergency conference in Egypt in the coming weeks. The Climate Alliance has denounced that 3.6 billion people live in climate risk and has called for action from the authorities. Between 4 and 26 November, the staff member shall organise conferences, workshops, debates or mobilisations.
Lide Iraola 2022ko azaroaren 03a
Klimaren aldeko gailur alternatiboa antolatu dute Iruñean / Argazkia: Ahotsa

The Climate Alliance has organized for the month of November in Pamplona the COP27 alternative, coinciding with the UN meeting in Egypt to address the climate emergency. The organization appeared on Wednesday to recall that at least 3.6 billion people live in a climate risk situation. They have therefore demanded that the authorities that meet in Egypt accelerate "climate action". From 4 to 26 November, talks, workshops, debates and demonstrations will be held in the different cultural corners and streets of Pamplona.

The UN Member States will meet in the coming weeks in order to make decisions in the face of the climate emergency, but in view of the results of previous years’ POPs, entrepreneurs do not need to wait to demand efficiency. They denounce that the climate emergency has been accompanied by a steady increase in prices and uncertainties, such as dependence on fossil fuels. It also calls on them to put an end to climate injustice, which is what the least polluting countries call the consequences of the climate emergency to suffer the most. To this end, they have called for a "fiscal climate system that will punish the hardest hit".

Local institutions have also been accused of lying and, while offering relaxing speeches, “joining the big capital and promoting projects that attack the climate like Mina Muga, TAV, Expansión de Esa or private electric car and permissiveness towards macro-projects”. They have pointed out that the Government of Navarra has included in the Law on Climate Change and Energy Transition the emission reduction targets and must have the necessary budgets, resources and instruments to achieve them.

The Climate Alliance and the sponsors of the COP27 in Pamplona have clear responsibility for the authorities, but they have also called on the public to mobilise and organise themselves. One objective of the initiative is to show alternatives for everyday habits. On Wednesday they highlighted two key points: food and energy sovereignty. During the month of November it will be possible to delve into them and into eleven other borders, as more than twenty agents have organized 30 days.