Activists block in Zurich the accesses of two major banks that are funding the climate crisis
  • A total of 30 climate activists have been arrested in Switzerland for blocking entries from two of the country’s largest banks in the financial district of Zurich. It was an initiative of the Collectif Breakfree Suisse group, which carries out climate mobilizations and civil disobedience.
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"Either they stop investing in fossil fuels or we're going to have more and more fires, more hunger, more droughts and floods," they said in a statement, gathered in the Democracy Now area.

"We're not here because we don't have babus or anything to do. We're here because we don't know what to do anymore. We have been fighting the climate crisis for two years," said Stephanie Wyss, a member of the group.

Activists blocked entries from UBS banks and Credit Suisse.
Combating the banking system in the country of banks

The Collectif Breakfree Suisse group has carried out dozens of actions to finance the policies that cause the climate crisis. You can see in this section of your web explained in detail.

-Money stained of blood.
"Your bank punishes us."
Protest the climatic relocation of tennis player Roger Federer.
Climate strike.