Fleas of climate change
  • With the heat foam the earth's fleas fade, this summer can no longer be joyful, grow and multiply from one leap to another. Although they are very small, they are less than 5mm; if you have a good view, you will soon notice them in the vegetable garden. Even if you don't see them, it's obvious where they've gone: the leaves of the plants appear with small, rounded holes.
Jakoba Errekondo 2022ko irailaren 13a
Azen arkakusoa: Phyllotreta nemorum. Arkakuso honetara ohitzen ahal gara; gero eta bero gehiago, orduan eta lurreko arkakuso gehiago. Klima aldaketaren izurriteak.

Terrestrial fleas are also called “beetles”. They are ground fleas which, in their view, are hidden in the ground when there is not enough heat or rain. The beetles are from the Alticini tribe, that is, they resemble other beetles on the hard elitros and lower wings, but they have the same posterior legs as the fleas. So they can fly and even incredible jumps. Depending on the species, they range from 1.5 to 5 mm. Of different sizes and colors, they all have very developed backlegs to jump, long antennas to find food they like and elitros and wings to fly. Each species of flea has its host plant, which is its delicious food. There are potato (Solanum tuberosum), eyelash or beet (Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris var. Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris var. crassa), of rapeseed (Brassica napus var. oleifera), etc., but the best known is the flea of the people of the cabbage (varieties Brassica oleracea), also known as “crucifix flea”, the family of the roofs. Its name is:Phyllotreta nemorum. On the dark back it has a striking yellow stripes and a length of 3-4 mm.

Now, when planted for the whole winter, it attacks the family of the cabbage, both those who make the head and those who make the flower (cauliflower, broccoli, Romanesque...) until the cold comes. It bleeds on the leaves and makes round holes. The aggression can cause the leaves to be dried and the plant to weaken, not to grow well and to be worse, the harvest decreases and the plant looks bad.

How do you deal with fleas? Promoting biodiversity: barriers (for birds and sea urchins), ponds (to attract baptisms), stone stacks (reptiles), etc. Keep the ground and the environment moist, remember that they are very hot. Around the claws plantar lettuce (Lactuca sativa), common tail (Citysus scoparius), tagetesa (Tagetes patula), cosmos (Cosmos spp.) rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis). Moisten with seaweed water (Artemisia absinthium). A mesh with an eye smaller than 2 mm may also be placed.

If you are already in the orchard, prepare purine or purine from berge leaves to ruin: in a plastic bucket put 10 liters of water 3 kilos of cabbage leaves, cover with plenty of air, mix each day with force until foam forms, filter, add 5 liters of water per liter and moisten the plants, as well as bottom soil, 3 days.

We can get used to this flea, more and more heat, more ground fleas. Plagues of climate change.