Jarki organizes a conference to work class feminism on the first weekend of September
  • This weekend, 4 and 5 September, the Jarki Revolutionary Organization has organized numerous lectures and talks related to class feminism. The conference will take place at the Aldabe Civic Center in Vitoria-Gasteiz.
Hala Bedi @halabedi 2021eko irailaren 02a

The Jarki organization has organised a conference on class feminism on the first weekend of September. The programme includes conferences, talks and events to be held at the Aldabe Civic Centre in Vitoria-Gasteiz. In addition, there will be an acoustic concert at gaztetxe on Saturday. In both spaces, capacity will be limited as people come to fill it.

As the organizers have explained, the Jarki Revolutionary Organization aims to combat all kinds of oppression and one of them is the oppression of working women. In order to respond to this situation, they consider it essential to understand what oppression is, and with this objective they have organized the days.

Scheduling of the days

Saturday, 4 September

10:30 Reception and presentation.

11:00 The case of working women. The position of the revolutionary organization Jarki on the oppression of women will be explained.

16:00 Basque workers: work, life strategies and conditions throughout the twentieth century. Taught by Lurdes Rodríguez Landa.

18:00 Contribution of working women to the labor struggle in the Basque Country. Working women will reflect on the experiences of the different labor struggles in Euskal Herria: March 3, Residences and Cleaning of the Elderly.

20:00 Acoustic concert at the Gaztetxe

5 September, Sunday

11:00 Feminist analysis of a city or town. From the hand of Maribel Egizabal Suárez.

12:30 Witches of the night. The struggle of Soviet women. By Josetxo Otegi Arrugaeta.

16:00 Woman and prison With the participation of former prisoners Rosi Arana, Agurtzane Ezkerra and Eider Uruburu.

18:30 Political act