Should the world care about the coronavirus that has killed six people in China?
  • The Chinese authorities have raised the number of deaths with the new coronavirus to six this Tuesday, and 304 deaths among those infected. In The Guardian's article, experts fear that the virus can spread from person to person and spread across the planet. Below you can read the questions and answers translated to the Basque health editor Sarah Boseley, who bears the same name as this article.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko urtarrilaren 21

What is the virus that causes Wuhan disease?

This is a new coronavirus, that is, a member of the coronavirus family that had never been found before. Like other coronaviruses, it comes from animals or maybe from shellfish. Many of the infected worked or frequently bought in the Huanan shellfish market in downtown China. New viruses usually originate in animal shelters. Ebola and flu are just a few examples.

What are the symptoms of Wuhan coronavirus?

The virus causes pneumonia. People are reported to have cough, fever and breathing difficulties. Because pneumonia is viral, antibiotics don't work. Antiviral medications may be used, but in most cases they only reduce the severity of symptoms. If people are hospitalized, they can receive respiratory assistance and fluids. Recovery will depend on the strength of your immune system. It is known that those who have died of this disease had poor health ahead of them.

Is the virus spread from person to person?

The Chinese National Health Commission has confirmed that it has been transmitted from person to person in two cases of infection in Guangdong Province, although it does not appear to be easy. As of 21 January, the Chinese authorities reported 217 cases of male violence and four deaths from male violence in China. Predictions made by experts at Imperial College have suggested that there could be more than 1,700 breast cancer cases. Those that are light may not be detected in any way.

Are the experts very concerned?

They fear that the coronavirus will spread per person by the end of this month. In fact, during the Chinese New Year holiday, millions of people will move to their homes to attend the celebrations. At the moment, it seems that people in poor health are the most at risk, as is usual in cases of the flu. But the authorities are trying to stop the spread so that the virus does not become stronger than it seems so far.