The Basque Government wants more smoke-free areas.
  • The Health Department of the Basque Government has created the Euskadi Smoke-Free Spaces Network. They want the number of citizens who smoke to fall.
Maddi Viana Zubimendi @maddi76_ 2022ko ekainaren 28a
Argazkia: pxhere.

The Health Department of the Basque Government announced on 31 May the creation of the Euskadi Smoke-Free Spaces Network, World No Tobacco Day. This year will be 144 points, although the number is expected to increase. There will gradually be more spaces when more municipalities and communities join the network.

The main objectives of the Network are to promote healthy behaviour, to promote information and awareness about the risks of tobacco and nicotine and to reduce the consumption of this substance. In addition, it aims to "inform and help all smokers who want to stop smoking, protect the entire population from tobacco smoke and maintain clean, healthy and smoke-free environments in towns and cities."

More information on the aid Osakidetza offers to stop smoking here.