Saturday is celebrated in Irun a tribute to Kepa Ordoki 30 years ago
  • On 28 November it is 30 years since the death of Kepa Ordoki, commander of the Gernika battalion. This anniversary will be remembered by Kepa Ordoki Memoria Histórico Bidasoan. This year, instead of in his grave of Hendaia, on 2 December at 12:00, a rally was called in the Gernikako Arbola Park of Irun.
Antxeta Irratia 2023ko azaroaren 28a

The ephemeris also presented in 2018. Memory societies were born on the 25th anniversary of the death of Kepa Ordoki, with the objective of confronting the victims of the Civil War and Franco. The association formed by Mañolo Susperregui, Joserra Enparan, Koldo Salinas or Karlos Santiago aims to "recover the historical memory of the people who fought or gave life in the Bidasoa valley for freedom, democracy and social justice". And during these years he has done a great job to deepen the historical memory of the Bidasoa region.

And they didn't accidentally choose Kepa Ordoki's name. Ordoki has been buried in the Hendaia cemetery (as can be seen in the photo) since 1993. And then they sang Eusko Gudariak to say goodbye. In the words of priest Mikel Epaltza, the commander “never asked for personal glory and only wanted one thing: the freedom of his people.” Every year he is paid homage to the Hendaia cemetery, but as this year is special, he will be held in the Gernikako Arbola Park of Irun. In this regard, they stress that to remember the performance of Irun's Abertzale leader, much work still needs to be done. That is why on 2 December they organised an initiative to honor the figure of Kepa Ordoki.