According to the press, National Court Judge Ismael Moreno accuses Arkauz and Eizagirre of "holding explosives for terrorist purposes". Instead, Jaio, who would be charged with belonging to ETA, has been arrested. The origin of the police operation is a ETA buzz found by the Ertzaintza in Arraia Maeztu (Álava) in 2019. According to the information disseminated at that time, the explosive material stored in the area had been in storage for many years. Judge Ismael Moreno relates the three detainees to the discovery of the Eta Juice.
Arrasatearra Kepa Arkauz was arrested in May 2013 on charges of "belonging to ETA's logistical apparatus" and alleged member of eta. He was tried in 2014, in Paris, together with Julen Mendizabal and four other prisoners, and sentenced to prison. Eizagirre was arrested in France in 2013 for his alleged relationship with ETA and was held for four years, until in 2017 he was extradited to Spain after serving a judicial sentence. At that time he was released on probation. Imanol Jaio is a former fugitive. He was born in Abadiño, but residing in Lapurdi. According to Naiz, he was frequently travelling to Irun, where he was arrested by the Civil Guard. The Civil Guard has been set up to register the houses of detainees.
To court on Tuesday
According to Naiz, sources of the Civil Guard have indicated to the defence of the detainees that they will not incommunicado the three Basque citizens and that the intention is to transfer them to Madrid on Tuesday, first to the police station in Tres Cantos and then to the National Hearing.
“Deep state”
EH Bildu has denounced the police operation and accused the “deep state” of wanting to “prevent further steps being taken in the construction of coexistence.” According to the coalition, the arrests are “in time and place”, and “in”: “It is time to empty the jails, not to fill them. It is time to move forward in peace and in democratic coexistence. It is time for the State to reject violence against our people.”