The Machista Journalism Observatory is set up to analyse the mass media content
  • Created by the research group Bidez from the University of the Basque Country and members of the editorial Pikara Magazine.
Ainara Rodil Jaime 2024ko martxoaren 08a

The objective of the Machista Journalism Observatory will be to analyse, classify and unite the machist content of the media. The male journalist is a bad journalism. It is a matter of quality, as it can be a spelling mistake. There is not good male journalism.”

To better explain the machista news, those responsible make a classification. They have been divided into nine sections, each of which refers to the association of the value of women with the masculine images, their objectification and superficial emphasis, the romantic and/or minimization of male violence, the redundant use of the word woman, discrimination due to linguistic distortion, discrimination by nomenclature in the public sphere, imputation of the successes of women to the favors by gender, the guilt of the victim and the non-use of professional terms.

They have analyzed the contents in Basque and Spanish, but they intend to include those in English. All contents analyzed have appeared in newspapers and digital publications, but do not rule out the inclusion of radio and television news later on. Available here.

“Journalism is a profession that allows us to analyze reality,” explains María Angeles Fernández, a member of Pikara Magazine. “Your mission is to question powers and structures. And feminism has taught us that patriarchy and machismo are structures that permeate all areas of life, including journalism."

The project is open to citizens' contributions and on the website there is an email address so readers can send the news they consider machistas.