Journalism isn't journalists.
Zigor Olabarria Oleaga @zoleaga1 2021eko maiatzaren 31

One of the main features of capitalism is the privatization and commercialization of knowledge: the knowledge developed collectively and interactionally in isolated fields of knowledge; it then creates expert gods for each area; it establishes a passive stakeholder relationship between “experts” and “ignorant”; and knowledge converts them into commodities. Not in the name of capitalist subjectivity, of course, but of scientific objectivity, although Eduardo Galeano wrote that objectives are objects. Mental education by Education and Educators, emotions by Therapy and Therapists, economics by Economic Science and Economists, politics by Science and Politicians... Information in Journalism and Journalists.

"The content of the report 'Buying a House With One Hand, Changing Rules With The Other' that we will post this week without a thorough investigation by Kutxikotxotxikotxikitutik bloggers would not see the light."

Thanks to the non-conformers who, without being experts or professionals in the field, raise their hands and participate without permission in education, in the economy, in politics, in culture or whatever. Thank you for the information and journalism, Kontuz! o Adi de Álava! associations, blogs of citizens and movements, websites and social networks. To their reports, notes, complaints, criticisms, comments, images, testimonies, reflections. Without going any further, without an exhaustive investigation initiated by the friends of the blog Kutxikotxotxikitutik, the report we will publish this week at ETB on the housing turistification of Vitoria-Gasteiz: Buying houses with one hand, adapting the regulations with the other would not see the light.

Of course we do not all know what it is and to the same extent – nor is it lacking – but that has nothing to do with the hierarchical logic of obedience and delegation in the matter. Information and journalism are too important to be carried away by the media and by journalists. Waste and gloss, there is a lot in professional and non-professional journalism: the key is in quality, in ethics, honesty, in rigor. Thanks to non-professional quality information militants. Without them, information would be poorer and professional projects that want to do independent journalism have their hands more tied. Without them it would be harder to move down, on the left, on the small.