ARGIA claims to the Donostia courts that "journalism is not a crime"
  • The Argia working group concentrated on Wednesday in front of the Donostia-San Sebastian Court in Donostia-San Sebastián.
ARGIA @argia 2019ko martxoaren 20a
ARGIAko lantaldeak eta hainbat herritarrek epaiketa salatu dute Donostian.

For reporting a violation of linguistic rights by the two Ertzainas, Arbelaitz has been denounced by the journalist of this media, Lander Arbelaitz, and on Wednesday he had to appear for the first time in this case.

The ARGIA colleagues have concentrated in front of the court of the Donostia district of Egia with a banner that read: “We will keep reporting, journalism is not a crime.” They have not been alone, some journalists, social workers and citizens have joined the rally, which has brought together a group of over 50 people.

On behalf of the report, Mikel García pointed out that the only just solution to this case is that the trial should not be held.

The director of Berria, Martxelo Otamendi, Joseba Alvarez de Eleak-Libre and Euskaltzale Zigor Etxaburua, among others, have appeared before the court to show their support for ARGIA.

Arbelaitz has thanked the more than 400 people and agents who have shown their support before appearing before the court to face the demands of “Utzi bakean” and “Euskal Herrian Euskaraz”. The Donostian journalist has described as "honour" the fact that he has received such support from the Council of Gipuzkoa.

Moreover, since the first hour of the morning of Wednesday, eleven users have also expressed their solidarity with Arbelaitz and Argia on social networks.