A journalist dies in Chile after being shot on May 1st
  • On May 1st a group of people shot a group of protesters and there was journalist Francisca Sandoval. He shot himself and died in the hospital yesterday.
Iñaut Gonzalez de Matauko Rada @inautogdm 2022ko maiatzaren 13a
Francisca Sandoval.

Sign 3 The journalist Francisca Sandoval, of the Chilean independent media La Victoria, died yesterday in the hospital. The First of May was shot while reporting on a trade union protest, men were shooting at the demonstrators and seriously injured Sandoval.

After the death of Sandoval, hundreds of people took to the streets of Santiago and the police threw themselves at them: in addition to the burdens, the protesters moved away from the water jet trucks. Faced with this, "What's changed? Nothing has changed," says Signal 3 La Victoria on the networks.

First in 36 years

A journalist was murdered 36 years ago in Chile during the Piochet dictatorship. On the day of the Sandoval shooting, May 1st, many people and groups denounced the complicity of the police, a police force very close to the place where it was shot, and they claim that they did nothing to stop the murderers.