The Feminist Movement will hold concentrations in Pamplona and Vitoria-Gasteiz to denounce the murder of Kayle Villar Pons
  • The man murdered Kayle Villar Pons in the early morning of Monday, when he was arrested. After receiving several punctures in the chest, Kayle died in the hospital from his injuries. The feminist movement has called for a rally and has recalled that this year "male violence in the Basque Country has killed five women".

Julene Flamarique 2024ko urriaren 10
Indarkeria matxistaren kontrako elkarretaratzea Iruñan Ahotsa

“Enough! With anger, pain and helplessness, we will go out into the streets, once again, to scream that our lives are in danger,” said the Feminist Movement of Navarra on social networks. The concentrations, convened by the World March of Women of Euskal Herria, will be concentrated in Vitoria-Gasteiz at 19:30 in the Plaza de la Virgen Blanca and in Pamplona at 20:00 in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento. Feminists have recalled that this year in Euskal Herria five women have been murdered by male violence in 2015.

The aggression took place in the early hours of Wednesday in the Errotxapea district of the Navarra capital. Kayle Villar Pons, 27, was killed by his partner on a descent from Carmen Baroja Nessi Street in Vitoria-Gasteiz. At 01:15 hours, the aggressor punched the woman several stab wounds after a discussion in the chest in which she was sitting. The victim died in the hospital and was taken to a hospital for treatment.

According to the News Journal, both the aggressor and the woman, 20 years old, lived in the same portal together with other people living in it. All the rooms were separated by pladur walls, and Villar's father was the landlord of all of them.

According to the EFE agency, the detainee, who has been arrested in Barcelona, had suffered frequent riots and other tenants had complained to him. It appears that the man was recently arrested by the Foral Police and had previously threatened the victim with death. Villa’s father explained that they tried to dismiss him from the downhill, in vain, and that “crime can be avoided”, as on many occasions he went to the Spanish Police to file complaints and order of removal.

Pending investigation

According to the newspaper Berria, the City Council of Pamplona/Iruña has not activated the protocol against gender violence. Local Police sources have informed the newspaper in Euskera that, according to police investigation, the case has not been identified as machista murder because "the motivation may be another". “The City Hall is waiting” to know what will be deduced from the study.