Short chain
Patxi Saez Beloki @PatxiSaez 2023ko abenduaren 03a

In the short chain and in the short pasture, they want Euskera and they want us Euskaldunes, especially in the public administration. There are more than fifteen judgments of the Spanish courts against the dissemination of Euskera in the Public Administration in the last three years. Most of them have opposed the municipal administration, the public institution closest to the citizens, to the point of denying that the Basque language is the first language in the attention to citizenship. What harm does a good day cause?

Human beings have two levels of natural needs of their human beings: on the one hand, they have their own basic needs, physiological needs, vital needs for survival (feeding, dressing, sleeping, getting rid of, washing, taking care of health...). On the other hand, it has social needs derived from social relationships or interactions with other human beings (security, family, friendships, social recognition and status, prestige, success, self-realization...). In fact, a language — in our language the Basque language — will become the same measure as it is related to the natural needs of its speakers, in the next or no need for communication. And there the action of the public administration is decisive, because the public administration is the main manager of all these basic natural needs of the human being.

If we were to transform the Public Administration into a respiratory center of the Basque Country, we would be making a great space to live in Basque.

The Public Administration manages the basic needs for the survival of the human being through, among other things, the income guarantee of basic income and the programs and benefits of access to housing where the human being has feeders, wolves, washers, urinals, clothes rack, storehouses, refuge, residence and place of residence to meet their physiological needs. And, of course, also through notary management, property records, tax, water agencies, sewage, garbage collection, etc. In this sense, the Public Administration, through the Health and Police, is the manager of basic human security and universal health care. And at the same time, through the educational system and professional promotion, it allows the human being to obtain a trade, a means of life, a social status and a self-realization. Therefore, the action of the Public Administration is decisive for the management of the fundamental needs of the human being and the normalization of the Basque Country.

The impact of the administration on all levels of social organization is enormous. 18% of the population works in the public administration of the European Union (in Euskal Herria we are in similar numbers) and the economic strength of the Administration (20% of the Gross Domestic Product corresponds to the hiring of the Administration in the CAPV) can act as a tractor for the socio-economic sphere to turn Euskera into a communication language of its usual activity. In fact, work is the most important activity of social organization and it leads to most of people's life time in their youth and adulthood.

If we were to turn the Public Administration into a respiratory center in the Basque Country, we would be making a great margin to live in Euskera. But let us not forget that the Spanish and French administrations that manage most of the seven territories of the Basque Country cannot do so officially in Basque. The Basque is not official in the territories of Labourd, Baja Navarra and Zuberoa of the continental Basque Country, nor in most of the Navarro territory of the peninsular Basque Country, nor in the territory of the County of Treviño, managed by the administration of the province of Burgos de Castilla y León of Spain, located within the territory of Alavés. Therefore, at the dawn of the twenty-first century, France and Spain still want Euskera in the short chain and short grassland, especially in the Public Administration.

Patxi Saez Beloki, socio-linguistic and member of the Euskaltzaindia Development Commission