Consultation at the Catalan Pyrenees on the candidacy of the 2030 Olympic Games
  • The Catalan Government will hold two consultations on 24 July in the Pyrenean municipalities to check the support of the candidacy of the 2030 Winter Olympic Games. In the villages where sports tests are held there will be a question: "Should the Catalan Government nominate for the Olympic and Paralympic Games? ". On the contrary, in other localities that will experience in a transversal way the influence of the Games will be: "Does the region have to participate in the Olympic and Paralympic Games project? ".
Jon Torner Zabala @jtorner 2022ko apirilaren 04a

The possible answers will be two: -Yes or no. The consultations will take place in person, and it will not be possible to vote electronically or by postal mail. The first group consists of the peoples of the Atlantic Pyrenees (55,000 people are called to participate in the consultation); and the group of which the Games would indirectly affect are Ripolles, Solsones and Bergueda (63,000 people).

In the first case, the result will be "politically binding", as reported by Generalitat's Minister Laura Vilagra in a statement. The second will evaluate the results separately; if the majority of a region votes no, the government will put it aside, as the medium explained "By holding two consultations, the Government will prevent these three regions with more population – he cannot get more votes in it – from seeing the candidacy," says Vilaweb. "But you'll also consider whether or not you want to be part of the Games."

"The Pyrenees deserve a better future than being the amusement park of Batzelona"

On the occasion of the Barcelona-Pyrenees candidacy for the 2030 Winter Games, ARGIA collaborator Lukas Barandiaran spoke with Pau Lozano, member of the Stop Jocs Olimpics platform that opposes the project. You will find the interview in this week's magazine. "We believe that the Pyrenees deserve a better future than being the amusement park in Barcelona and we will fight for it, whether or not they do the Games," he told us. "Games will only accelerate the process of turning the mountain range into an amusement park. For us, this moment is an opportunity: to unite the neighbors and the struggles of the Pyrenean valleys, which have historically been far apart, against a project, and to use that strength to change things."