Catalan elections are delayed to 30 May
  • The Catalan Government has proposed to the parties that the regional elections to be held on 14 February be postponed by 30 May. The political forces gathered this Friday morning at the Party Bureau have approved the proposal, with the exception of the CSP.
ARGIA @argia 2021eko urtarrilaren 15
Alderdien Mahaiaren plano orokor bat. (Arg.: ACN)

The delay is due to increased COVID-19 contamination. The Generalitat Department of Health announced that peak times of hospital care would occur in the days leading up to February 14 and noted that it did not consider it appropriate to mobilize five million people in the streets in this situation.

The CSP has been the only one to oppose this date, since, in its view, they should have been done on 21 March. The organisation of the elections is in the hands of the Department of External Action and this is led by ERC, as is the government itself, since Pere Aragonès serves as acting President.

On this occasion, JxCat and ERC have come hand in hand with the decision. The Government of Madrid, for its part, opposed the suspension of payments. The deferral decree will be adopted on Friday afternoon and, after its study, it will be seen whether any of the parties or entities will invoke the judgment.