Catalan elections will finally be held on 14 February
  • That is what the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC) decided on this Friday in its judgment. The campaign began at midnight and the expectation that has arisen was great if the campaign was to be suspended or not.
Xabier Letona Biteri @xletona 2021eko urtarrilaren 29a
Proces-eko presoei hirugarren gradua eman diete gaur kanpainan parte harteko. (Arg: Vilaweb)

On 15 January the Catalan Generalitat approved the decree delaying the Catalan elections to 30 May. The Government argued that the data for the pandemic in the third grade were becoming worse and that it was not appropriate in this situation to hold elections that required the social mobilization of five million people.

The courts rejected the postponement and the decree was suspended pending the final decision, which has taken place today. According to the High Court, among other things, when the Government convened the elections in December it was already aware of the situation in which they were convened and the risk of contagion during the election day can be reduced if measures are taken.

Independence will exceed 51 per cent

According to a survey by the Catalan Centre of Studies, under the Generalitat, ERC will win the elections with 34-35 members while JxCat remains the second force with 32-34 seats. The PSC, with 26-29 Members, would be the third party on the line after winning 3D. In any event, according to the survey, independence would exceed 51 per cent for the first time in an election, which could bring optimism to a pro-independence movement that has so far been rather disappointed.

But in the surveys there is everything, according to the author in the usual, and according to the recent National Center for Sociological Research (CIS), the PSC would be the winner with the cast of the former Spanish Minister of Health Salvador Illa and the capture of much of the vote of Ciutadans.

Below is the tweet of the prisoner Jordi Cuixar to participate in the campaign after leaving today at liberty in the third grade.