The Social Agreement for Self-Determination and the Amnesty of Catalonia
  • On the road to the resolution of the political conflict, the signatories of the document have called on the citizens to mobilise. All Catalan sovereign parties and dozens of social actors have participated in the presentation.
Jenofa Berhokoirigoin @Jenofa_B 2022ko apirilaren 21a

"What we need to activate the most is when the situation is darker," he added. They are the words of former Cup parliamentarian David Fernandez, one of the promoters of the Social Agreement, which was opened on 20 April. On that day, the manifesto of the Social Agreement by Amnesty and Self-Determination was presented in Barzelona. It is a document supported by all the Catalan sovereign parties and by dozens of social partners in Catalonia.

In defense of the right to self-determination of Catalonia and of the amnesty of "over 3,000 people" who have been persecuted by the independence process of Catalonia, they want to seek "the greatest possible social support". Sponsorships are gathering until the end of September. The dynamic, which aims to be "plural and unitary", will be presented on 1 October, coinciding with the fifth anniversary of the referendum of independence of Catalonia.

The project began last summer by a group of small actors. Members of this group include Catalan ex-sellers from Interior, Carme Forcadell, Joaquim Forn and José Manuel Fernández, among others. This manifesto was adopted following the collection of contributions from a large group of social partners.

Explanations of the espionage programme: "counter-productive"

The Spanish Government President Pere Aragonès said that the explanations for the Pegasus spying programme are "scarce" and "absolutely counterproductive" in order to "regain the minimum confidence". In an interview given to Europe Press, lehendakari has called on the Spanish Government for "transparency" and "explanations" for the situation in Catalonia.

The program was purchased and used between 2010 and 2015 to spy on the mobile phones of a total of 65 independence leaders, most of them Catalan politicians. The spokeswoman for the Spanish Government, Isabel Rodríguez, has stressed that the Executive has nothing to do with the case and that in Spain it is not monitored without judicial authorization. However, asked whether the CNI has anything to do with the issue, he replied that he cannot talk about it because it "affects the security of the state".