Eragin complains that several young people have been fined EUR 6,750 for putting up posters
  • The fine is due to signs placed in the Old Town of the Basque capital in early January. The posters reported on the rights contained in the hospitality agreement. They have called a press conference for this Thursday, together with the hospitality workers. @topatu_eus 2019ko ekainaren 25

According to Twitter, several members of the assembly of precarious young people in Bilbao, Eragin, have received a fine of €6750 in relation to posters. At the beginning of the year, several young people working in the hospitality industry began to organize themselves through Eragin, and as a first step, they decided to inform themselves about the conditions included in the hospitality agreement. To do so, as Eragin explained, they placed posters in the Casco Viejo de Bilbao, in which several members of the association were identified who wanted to show against municipal governance.

Now, according to reports, the three identified people have been fined with 6750 euros for placing the posters announcing the signing of the hospitality agreement in Gipuzkoa. Eragin has described the fine as very serious and has explained on Twitter that they have decided to "set in motion a dynamic of fighting debt and defending labour rights". In addition, they have called a press conference for this Thursday, together with the hospitality workers.