Tent in the schoolyard, an alternative to the pandemic
  • As they did at the public school in Zaldibia, on this occasion they have managed to install a tent in six schools in Irun to take advantage of the outside of the school on rainy days. It has been a request of the associations of mothers and fathers of the city, since education is to leave the four walls as much as possible, a sure way to act during the pandemic, as many voices claim.
Mikel Garcia Idiakez @mikelgi 2021eko urtarrilaren 26a
Irungo Txingudi ikastola publikoa da karpa izango duen ikastetxeetako bat.

The administration has not shown itself willing to lower ratios and the presence of 30 students and teachers in the same class has become a common image. The number of rooms, ventilation and ventilation are not very clean. Dozens of people have chosen to give outdoor lessons as far as possible, as recommended by the World Health Organization.

In this regard, many centres have complained that the higher administrations are not providing facilities and local councils are responding in many cases. This has happened in Irun: tents with metal lid will be installed in six centers of Early Childhood and Primary Education, without lateral closure. It is a demand of the associations of mothers and fathers of students. However, the City of Irun has already advanced that it will seek a subsidy from the Basque Government to finance the tents, whose education falls within their competence.