Closure of the Director of Health Security by withdrawal of flag and flag of Navarra
  • The Board of Directors of the Club states that the incidence was "very serious". In January the Spanish police withdrew the ikurrina, the flag of Navarre and a banner on the Sadar football field.
Irati Irazusta Jauregi 2023ko otsailaren 23a
Ikurrina eta Nafarroako bandera kendu zituzten uneak zeresan handia eragin zuen.

The Director of Health Security is suspended from work and pay for withdrawing some symbols and banners from the deck. The Board of Directors of the Club states that the incidence was "very serious".

On 14 January the Spanish Police withdrew in Sadar a GKS banner, flags and flag of Navarra. Health noted what happened and reported that it was going to initiate an internal investigation "to clarify possible responsibilities and act accordingly". On 21 February the Club terminated the investigation and announced the agreements through notes.

Among other things, they have decided to inform the security company for the stadium events of the club's internal standards and to establish "new communication techniques" for the shows held at Osasuna facilities.

To denounce the withdrawal of the symbols, Indar Gorria called out them. (Photo: News)