In favor of oil intake by assault
Zigor Olabarria Oleaga @zoleaga1 2021eko urtarrilaren 11
Argazkia: Reuters.

The far right occupied the Capitol. I felt the fear, the anger, the tone of amazing geek parody, the concern ... Suddenly, without realizing it, I was about to take a dangerous step: from the deep enmity to the aggressors and their political project, to the defense of the capitol. And with the defense of the capitol, patriarchal capitalist democracy in general, and specifically that of the United States. Ño, a shiver.

The extreme right denounces and becomes aware of the traps of the major capitalist organizations, disobediently denounces the authoritarian management of the health crisis, denies the legitimacy of the governments that emerged from the ‘democratic elections’, speaks against the ‘elites’… (teaching the teeth to businessmen? “I’ve read that the former Mercedes worker who destroyed 69 luxury vans is a follower to Vox. I do not know if it is true, the worrying thing is that it seems possible to me.) After all, the extreme right represented anti-system attitudes. In the sokatira of politics it is becoming strong, it has come out of the board of formal democracy on the right, and since we are all tied to sokatira, everything drags us to the right.

To respond to the right-wing offensive, there is a risk that the left will become a crutch of formal democracy – capitalist, patriarchal, colonial... –, defending capitol as a symbol of democracy; claiming as authority the World Health Organization funded by pharmacists and Bill Gates against Bolsonaro, Trump or Johnson; claiming “solidarity” in the weapons of UPPI. To some extent and in some cases, sometimes, it may be necessary, but we do not avail ourselves of the need as a virtue, as we can finish celebrating what we rejected yesterday. The crisis of institutional legitimacy and of the democratic system will intensify in the coming years. The question is: a street citizen who for the first time begins to question the system by poverty and uncertainty, where are you going to look today asking for solutions and answers, on the left or on the right?

In times of crisis and systemic collapse, let us not give to the right the imaginary and flag of radical alternatives and positions contrary to the system. It is time for us to demand more, not to be content with less. Let's pull the sokatira to the left and to the left, even from outside the board. The feet on earth and in the people, but let's dream radically and work to realize those dreams. Let the captains of the house and of the world be attacked, but on the bottom and on the left.