Chaos in public education awards in the CAV
  • In the public centers of the CAV, 4 out of 10 teachers are temporary and their assignment has been carried out through the Alternatibagune telematics application. The application has failed and there is a lack of teachers in several centers, the same position has been offered to more than one teacher, worse conditions have been offered than others, they have been offered one thing and then found another in the center... They are angry, but they are "punctual problems" and the Minister of Education, Cristina Uriarte, has asked for "a little patience".
Mikel Garcia Idiakez @mikelgi 2019ko irailaren 18a

On the platform Ordezkoak Martxan, a professor has reported that he was offered a plaza and that three days later another professor came, who was offered the same position. In the end, they have relocated it, “but I don’t trust this assignment, I don’t know if I’m going to have work or not.” Another says that, although the application Ordezkoak Claim awarded him the post, he is not discharged from the Social Security; a third party offered him a job of 66% and found 33% in the center. We have also found a note from a center where two tutors and two support teachers are missing, and although since the beginning of the course they have requested these places every day, they have not received a reply from the Department of Education.

Cristina Uriarte: “A little patience is required when these kinds of applications are launched”

They complain about the lack of teachers and staff in some schools. On the contrary, the Minister of Education, Cristina Uriarte, has declared in the Basque Country Irratia that the Berritzegune is a positive application: “It is true that we have had some technical problems, as happens when a new process is launched.” It has downplayed the issue, saying that there are only “one-off problems”, “a little patience is required when these types of applications are put in place”, he added.

The unions have joined in the protest of the workers of the company. The Basque Government has accused the Basque Government of "chaos, improvisation, unjust and shocking measures", not devoting the time and preparation required by the new system, or of putting "few resources". Complaints from teachers are currently being received and legal remedies are not ruled out.

EH MEP Bildu Rebeka Ubera has also addressed a number of questions to the Education Counsellor to answer them in writing. For example, why did you launch the Aldakonea platform without any regulation? Why has it not been written about the steps to be taken in the event of damage caused by faults or malfunctions? Why don't the teachers who call the Department of Education for help or answers get an answer?