Macron Suspends Kanaky Electoral Census Law
  • Emmanuel Macron, President of France, realised this decision at an extraordinary press conference on Wednesday morning. The law aroused Kanak’s anger, because the updating of this census, in addition to lessening the weight thereof, implied a lack of respect for the core of the Noume Peace Accords of 1998.
Jenofa Berhokoirigoin @Jenofa_B 2024ko ekainaren 12a
Macronen bisita Kanaky herrian, maiatzaren 23an. Argazkia: AFP

"To direct all the strength to dialogue and get the return of order," he made the decision: French President Emmanul Macron is suspending the Kanaky electoral roll law. On the morning of 12 June, it reports the change in the extraordinary press conference of the elections to Parliament. On 2 April, the French senators voted in favour of this law and on 15 May the Members voted in favour of it.

Rejecting this change, in recent weeks the tension has increased on the island and in the protests that continue to depend on France, Paris has responded with brutal repression – the emergency situation declared by Macron lasted from 13 to 28 May. About 500 people arrested, dozens beaten and seven deaths have been caused by the conflict in recent weeks. Macro was on the island on May 23 and although he called the interview, the independentists did not welcome the Paris stance. The suspension of the electoral roll law was conditional on the resumption of talks.

The independentists do not accept the law because the updating of voting censuses not only reduces the weight of the Canacas, but also leads to a lack of respect for the core of the Noume Peace Accords of 1998. The referendums on sovereignty enacted by the Canakas and the peace agreements are very hungry for independence. The autochthonous would have less weight with the modification of the electoral roll. In fact, the law extends voting rights to provincial elections to those residing on the island for more than ten years – following the Noumea Agreements, which are not autochthonous on the voting list before 1998.