A sitting for a quality education at the entrance of the Department of Education of Pamplona
  • In the first hour of the afternoon, around 14:30 hours, about thirty workers from public centers in Navarre have entered the headquarters of the Department of Education of Navarra. They have put it as a first action and, as they have indicated, they want to appeal to the entire educational community to join the fight. Upon leaving, the agents have proceeded to identify several people who were on the spot.
Xabier Letona Biteri @xletona 2024ko abenduaren 12a
Irakasleek eserialdia egin dute Hezkuntza Departamentuaren sarreran. X. Letona

During the sitting, two representatives made known the reasons for the action: “We have not come to the Department of Education to ask for anything, but to put a turning point as far as possible.” As soon as the course begins, there have been two calls for a strike and a third is scheduled for next January. In addition to the strike dynamics, many centers are organizing protests, reflections and other activities.

They have denounced that there are serious and structural problems in public education and that in the agreements recently signed between the Department of Education and several unions there are no concrete measures, “only promises are sold”.

“We have a lot of problems every day and we are sick”, they said. They have also highlighted some of the problems: “There is a lack of specialists for the inclusion of students with special needs, orientation groups are overwhelmed, there is also a lack of psychologists, digitization is used in a massive and irrational way, instability brings a lack of reference to students, we have infrastructures that fall down…”.

For this reason, before “those who put education at the service of the needs of the market”, have called this Thursday to organize reflection and struggle groups in educational centers, “not only to increase the budget line, but to fight for quality public education”.

And the Foral Police arrives.

The sitting has lasted for about twenty minutes and throughout that time, with the posters in their hands, they have screamed. Later, the teachers have left the street, ending the activity. Already abroad, a group of people and other people who were talking without hindering the entrance were already moving away, when two vans from the Foral Police arrived and several people identified quite abruptly. Attempts have been made to identify a young man who was on the spot, but he has run until he has been captured by two Foral Police officers, who have poorly arrested him and identified him. Five minutes later he was released. The journalist who writes these lines has also been identified and asked for his ID.