Catalan biologists say that disinfecting streets with bleach can be ineffective and counterproductive.
  • The College of Biologists of Catalonia has warned that many Catalan municipalities are using products harmful to health, especially bleach, to disinfect the streets.
Axier Lopez @axierL 2020ko maiatzaren 15
Euskal Herriko herri askotan erabiltzen ari dira lixiba espazio publikoa desinfektatzeko asmoz. Argazkia: Sopelako Udala

The College of Biologists of Catalonia has warned that in public and private spaces products are allegedly disinfectant to deal with Covid-19, but its effectiveness has not been proven.

Concerns about the misuse of chlorinated disinfectants (bleach) are highlighted. According to the note published by the College, they are very toxic and, if their use is not appropriate, they can cause negative effects on people and aquatic organisms.

"Abusive use is being made under the pressure of a false sense of security. But this application is not effective and could be harmful”, said biologist Eduardo Martínez, who has published an article on his web.

Martinez also recommends avoiding compulsive disinfections, "with untrained equipment, machinery and personnel, we have to help take care of our health and that of the planet and avoid the false sense of security".

More information on:

- Bleach at home, bleach on the street and now bleach on the beach?

- The French Ministry of Health says that disinfecting the streets is "useless and dangerous"