Regarding the last sentence of the TSJPV, they denounce that "the only language for public employment is Spanish"
  • ELA, LAB and Kontseilua have concentrated on protesting against the ruling handed down by a Administrative Litigation Court to the body headed by Kabia. They denounce that there is a risk that the effort to guarantee the level of Euskera will become "zero".
Leire Ibar 2024ko urriaren 28a
Kabia Organismoak epaitegiaren ebazpena salatu du Donostian. Kabia

Kabia is an autonomous body attached to the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa responsible for the care of elderly and people in situations of dependency. The entity, in most of the residences, requests Euskera level B2 and in others that manages level B1. Following the complaint lodged by two workers against Kabia, a court in Donostia-San Sebastián has joined it and considered the linguistic requirements of the institution to be disproportionate. Judge Gonzalo Pérez Sanz has argued that these demands aim to "maximize" the normalization of the Basque country and violate the rights of workers.

The institutions have framed the case in the judicial offensive against the Basque Country and have called the court's decision "an attack on the normalization of the Basque Country". During the concentration, the trade unions have stressed that the resolution affects both users and workers. Residents have argued that the fact of being attended in their language is “one of the basic conditions for well-being and dignified care”. In addition, institutions have considered "concerning" the effect this type of attitude can have on the "working conditions of workers and their motivation".

The Administrative Tribunal judge of Donostia-San Sebastian has considered that the knowledge of the Basque Country "violates the fundamental right to the protection of public employment". ELA, LAB and the Council have noted that it is not acceptable for Spanish to be the only language for public employment and that the fight for linguistic equality needs to be stepped up.

Basque groups activated

On 28 and 29 October, three concentrations were convened in Tolosa, Bergara and Irun, in the three localities where the Kabiak residence is located. On Monday before the Court of Tolosa at 19:00 at Plaza San Martín de Bergara and on Tuesday at the same time at Plaza San Juan de Irun.