Here's the section program. Please note that the Bizenta Migel Library is located on Komentukalea Street in Durango (No. 8).
10:30. "The Old Computer BerPiztu" workshop with Elkartenet. Workshop to learn how to install the free operating system and euskaldun Luberri Linux.
12:00. Gymkhana: digitalization in play Workshop // Leire Lisón. In this session oriented to work digitalization from a critical perspective, the students will immerse themselves in roles and knowledge games. They will have to work as a team to meet the challenges presented to them.
5 December, Landako Hall of Events
10:30 - 14:00 // 16:00 - 19:30. Gamer room: The Game Erauntsia and the Rolaria, alone or with friends, will open a space in the center of the Fair to enjoy the game.
11:00. Out of the box: we play to think here Workshop // Fictional factory + Badalab. In this program we will use table games and cards to think together about the future of the Basque Country, based on the playful experience, to think together about the challenges and needs of the Basque Country and the Basque society. Registration: info (compiled a)
16:00. Creative artificial intelligence? Round table // Elhuyar. What is creative artificial intelligence? Tools for the work of the creators of bone meat or technology that sends them to the unemployed? Where artificial intelligences are fed and who the person who created them is.
16:40. Torrekua - Community creation space for the creation, promotion and networks of free technologies. Presentation // Gorka Julio. Torrekua is a laboratory created with the objective of being a space of community and intercooperative creation related to Free Technologies and the Transformative Social Economy, located in Errenteria.
17:00. Loop. Presentation // Izarkom + Onaro. Begizta is an online TV service platform that Izarkome will create and offer together with other actors in Basque society.
17:30. Pirate Paintings. Presentation // Eider Eibar and Iskander Sagarminaga. The illustrator Eider Eibar and the swimmer Sagarminaga swim and draw the challenges of the 7 seas in a selection of digital content created in Euskera.
17:50. Make Ttap! Meeting // Kukulaisi. Make Ttap! Online competition to play as a family, a game that will be launched in 7 days.
18:30. Digital challenges. How to develop critical use? Presentation + Round Table // View Room + Badalab. Who are we on the net? Who can we be? To what extent are we slaves to screens? Can you get out of the whirlwind? Is art what artificial intelligence produces? And who is the property? Who can limit and regulate the Internet? What obstacles does the Basque Country have in the network? Can you use an image or a video for whatever you want?
19:20. Huh! and Presentation // Aintzane Agirrebeña and Idoia Etxeberria. The Association of the Basque Country Badihardugu Euskara Elkartea
will present this year’s news about the Hitan.
19:40. Raising the Hitan of Leitza: Tap and tap. What touched me! Presentation // Fernando Oiartzun. Once the collection of the Hitano de Leitza in the form of a book has been completed, the audiovisual has now been added to this project.