Climate justice protests at the Glasgow Summit
  • Some 100,000 people have taken the streets of the Scottish capital this Saturday against the COP26 meeting. Concentrations have also been held in Donostia-San Sebastián and Bilbao, and the authorities have been asked to move from words to deeds.
Leire Artola Arin 2021eko azaroaren 08a
Donostian eta Bilbon elkarretaratzeak egin dituzte klima aldaketari aurre egiteko agintariei ekintzak galdegiteko. / Argazkia: @haritzalde

Since the end of October, international political leaders have met in Glasgow, Scotland, with the aim of taking decisions to deal with the climate emergency. Some 100,000 people have left the street this Saturday, according to the convener of the COP26 Coalition rally. Various groups have called for “climate justice” and have pointed out that to do so it is necessary to “change the system”. Representatives of indigenous peoples have led the march, as a symbol of climate activism, in which trade unions, young people, feminist movements and farmers have also participated. They have warned that there is no time to reverse the situation, nor “planet B”.

Donostia and Bilbao

The protests have also taken place in several cities around the world, including Donostia-San Sebastian and Bilbao, among others. This Saturday morning members of social and environmental movements convened by the Larrea Table met on the beach of La Concha, and with the umbrella they created the motto “Klima ez da business-Read more They denounce that the Glasgow summit does not offer real solutions to deal with the climate emergency. The platform has argued that it is not enough to make superficial changes, but that the consumption of materials and energy should be reduced and “global economic growth” stopped. They insisted that changes are needed “now.”

In the afternoon, in Bilbao they made a protest called by the Aldaketa platform and asked the authorities to move from words to deeds under the motto “Time is running out, climate justice now”. Furthermore, they have criticised the low participation of impoverished countries in the international conference, which are suffering the most serious consequences of climate change.

Ecological metamorphosis stop in Iparralde

Long live! As part of the COP26 meeting, the platform has presented a report on the status of environmental metamorphosis in Iparralde. The publication has been made this Saturday and has denounced that almost all the municipalities analyzed have not taken any action to deal with the climate emergency. Of the 56 Casas del País (in which 87% of the population resides in the Commonwealth), 40 are still in phase 0 of the ecological transition. They report that Baiona and Itsasu, in Lapurdi, are the only ones that have moved to phase 1.