Junts and PSOE still do not agree
  • The Socialist Party has sold in the last few days that Junts was going to approve the agreement with the PSOE on Thursday, but that did not happen at the board meeting held yesterday in Brussels.
Xabier Letona Biteri @xletona 2023ko azaroaren 03a
Astelehenean Santos Cerdánek eta Carles Puigdemontek Bruselan egindako bilera. (Argazkia: Junts)

On Monday, PSOE Secretary of Organisation Santos Cerdán met with Carles Puigdemonte in Brussels, and then the PSOE and ERC signed an investiture agreement this Thursday. The PSOE sold that on Thursday an agreement could be reached with Junts, that the amnesty law was to be dealt with in the Spanish Congress on Friday and that next week it could be adopted on 8, 9 or 10.

But this has not happened and on social network X on Thursday Carles Puigdemont wrote: “Although some speak of urgency, we will maintain the prudence we have maintained so far.” According to Vilaweb, the details of the amnesty remain complicated, among other reasons because Junts would require former internal counsellor Miquel Buch and the litigation of Junts chief Laura Borras to be framed in the amnesty because their litigation is lawfare, that is, those arising in the judicial war around the proces.

Furthermore, the basis for the future resolution of the conflict does not appear sufficiently solid, but more detail has not been given. According to Vilaweb, in the case of the mediator there would be consensus. The Board established from the outset that there was a shared mediation in the negotiations that would enable the agreements to be monitored.

The negotiations are continuing, and the PSOE says that the agreement can be concluded this Friday, and that in that case next week the amnesty law would be passed in the Spanish Congress.