A judge investigates for the first time in Spain the torture of Julio Pacheco Franco
  • Judge Ana María Iguácel suspended Julio Pacheco, tortured during Franco, in 50 Madrid. He was due to receive the statement at the Examining Court on Friday morning. This is the first case of torture to be investigated by a Spanish court for torture by Franco.
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Julio Pacheco, frankismoko torturatua. (Argazkia: Patricia J. Garcinuño / El Diario)

Julio Pacheco’s lawyer, Jacinto Lara, has pointed out that the judge has informed them that the case has many edges and that, in order to study the matter better, it will delay the taking of a statement. This is the first case of Francoist torture that a judge investigates in the Spanish state.

Until now, only the citizens tortured by Franco have told María Servini before the Argentine judge that during the last ten years he has opened a case for crimes against humanity committed during Franco.

Over 100 cases of torture have been brought before the Spanish courts, but all have been filed until Judge Iguácel estimated Pacheco's complaint last May. According to this, he has charged four police officers of the Francoist Social Political Brigade and will summon them to declare: José Manuel Villarejo, Álvaro Valdemoro, José Luis Montero and José María González.

In view of what has happened to the allegations of torture during the Franco regime, there is little hope that this case will flourish, but according to Pacheco’s lawyer it is a loophole that must be exploited. During the Franco dictatorship thousands of people were tortured, but no one has yet been punished for it.

So far these complaints have not been taken into account in the courts or have been filed immediately. In general, the judges take into account the litigious jurisprudence built by the Spanish Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court, which is based primarily on the 1977 Amnesty Act, the limitation of offences and the principle of legality.

The reader can follow the case avatars in this report of The Client that explains the case in depth.