The teta and the inventions of the tourism traditions of Julieta
  • I'm here to tell you about the emotions that have arisen when I play Juliet's booklet. No, it wasn't silicone, but I wouldn't say it was meat either. If they weren't authentic, they weren't entirely fake either, because we were a world that we met at home to put our hand on the chest and portray touching what we had to touch.
Oier Araolaza @oaraolaza 2019ko urriaren 02a
Julietaren estatua Veronan. Argazkia: Oier Araolaza


Verona: Piazza delle Erbe



Verona, Piazza delle Erbe. Photo: Oier Araolaza - CC by-sa




A few years ago we were in Verona and fell in love with a beautiful Renaissance city. We come back to the dozen years and we find it even more beautiful, but I was surprised by the ridiculous dimension that Juliet's house fraud has taken. In the fascinating city of Roman, medieval and Renaissance remains and marvelous monuments, the house that was supposedly the scene of Romeo and Juliet’s impossible love has become the main tourist attraction and the obligatory ritual of all visitors to the city to photograph themselves by playing the Juliet’s tetilla.




Verona, 12-08-2019 Photo: Oier Araolaza CC BY-SA



Don't let the truth spoil a nice story

Tourism advertising reduces Verona to be the theatre of the history of Romeo and Juliet. The giant Arena, dedicated to offering large theatres, bridges and operas of the Roman era, or the spectacular cathedrals, palaces, streets and tower houses from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance have been left in the shadow of Verona.

Verona: Arena



Verona, Arena. Photo: Oier Araolaza - CC by-sa




Verona: Piazza delle Erbe



Verona: Piazza delle Erbe. Photo: Oier Araolaza - CC by-sa




Every day thousands of tourists arrive in the northern city of Italy with a single objective: Go to Juliet's house and touch her teta. Touching Juliet's cold teat will give you the great luck you need to find true love, according to the propaganda. However, it is enough to take a picture and show that we have been there, as love is a serious word for the vacaciones.Aunque has touched the chest and love has not been discovered, no one claims for scam. And similarly, no one cares that Juliet's house is as real and fake as the chocolate house of Hansel and Gretel. Shakespeare placed in Verona the love story set by the antipathy between Montesco and the Capulets, but from there to Juliet's teat everything is invented.

Verona: Statue of Juliet



Verona, Juliet's house. Photo: Oier Araolaza - CC by-sa



Fake house, fake balcony

Julieta Capuleto has been building the staircase of tourist attraction falsely to turn it into a true photographic myth. If Shakespeare had guessed it, why not the others? Firstly, it is untrue that the Montescos and the Capulets lived in Verona. There is no evidence to prove it. To give a historical testimony to Shakespeare's history, historians got to work in Verona, and documentation and stones were all unsuccessfully placed, as no trace was found.

Verona: Roman theatre



Roman theatre in Verona. Photo: Oier Araolaza - CC by-sa




However, they did not surrender and the twelfth century house of the Dal Capello family was chosen as the seat of the myth of Juliet. In the old Verona, located near the beautiful Piazza delle Erbe, the similarity of this "Dal Capello" with "Capuleto" was enough to name the house of the family of Julieta and, therefore, the house of Julieta.

Verona: Portal of the house of Julieta



Portal de la casa de Julieta, Verona. Photo: Oier Araolaza - CC by-sa




The next step was to place the balcony. No, the house did not have a balcony. But Romeo's visits have been depicted on Juliet's balcony and in the 1930s the house was balconies to match the imaginary. Therefore, in Julieta’s fictional house, thousands of tourists visit Julieta’s fictional balcony every day. Then, in front of the balcony, the bronze statue representing Juliet was lifted. The bronze darkens with the years, but suddenly the stupidity spread that touching Juliet's right tetilla would mean having a good luck in love. Now, Juliet's is the most roasted teta in the world and the bronze chest, tanned in the rest, looks clean and shiny thanks to the continuous friction.

Playing Juliet's Tetilla



Tourists playing Julieta's boobs. Photo: Oier Araolaza - CC by-sa



I've been here

Today it is also possible to climb to the fake balcony of Juliet's fake house and take the photo there. What are 6€ in exchange for putting yourself in the original "home" of one of the icons of universal literature? With this entry you can also see the house and the museum, but for most of those who pay the entrance the only thing they have to see is self. Although under Juliet's balcony, instead of courting Romeo, Manolo is willing to take a photo with his cell phone, while hundreds of tourists are waiting for turn in the area.

Patio of the house of Julieta



The portal of Julieta's house in Verona. Photo: Oier Araolaza - CC by-sa




You have to make a line of access to the patio, as visitors from all over the world reach the main attraction of Verona by floods, but that's nothing once inside, compared to the crowd that runs in front of the balcony and the shop souvenir.El balcony and Julieteta are okay, but the most important thing is to buy a heart-shaped keychain that shows that I've been there. For this you can buy in the Souvenir shop the padlock that will unite your love and leave it chained right there along with other millions, or on the walls of the tunnel gateway to the house of Juliet paste in a post-it the most precious pearl of your poetic anthology: Mariene x Segio.

Entrance tunnel Juliet's house



The tunnel into Juliet's house, full of love messages written in postites. Photo: Oier Araolaza - CC by-sa



Negotiating truthfulness

Anthropologists say that the authenticity, the authenticity of an object, is not the intrinsic property of it, but the property that is negotiated. For example, the Comaroff explain this concept of traditional parties, music and dances. If here we have seen an example of a tourist invention, change the place and the theme in each of the things we have said and everything else works the same: from the tangle, the white suit of Saint Fermin to the giants or the so-called culture of pintxos.En the framework of this negotiation, some characteristics are selected that can be sold universally and at the same time connect with the people, become necessary commodities and they are sold and multiplied. Economy, stupid, economy!




Verona. Photo: Oier Araolaza - CC by-sa