On Saturday they will present the dynamic "Judimensiondi no al salón de juego"
  • The residents of the Vitorian district of Judimendi will present the dynamics against the games room located on Olaguibel Street: -To the gambling hall not by judgment. @topatu_eus 2019ko apirilaren 04a

On Saturday, residents of the neighborhood will present a new dynamic "Judimensiondi jokorik ez". They have appealed to the press conference to be held at 11:45 a.m. in Sefarad Square to make a public appearance.

More information on your initiative against the Judimensiondi Game Room:

Normalization of the game, a risky wager.

Young people from Vitoria-Gasteiz’s Judimendi district have published a booklet on the betting business in which they participate.


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