Juan Kruz Igerabide wins the Spanish Children and Youth Literature Award
  • The book El títere de las letras has been awarded the prize of the Spanish Ministry of Culture, with 20,000 euros. The story has also been translated into Catalan, Galician and Spanish.
Nahia Ibarzabal @NahiaIbarzabal 2018ko irailaren 28a
Sari garrantzitsuak jaso ditu: Haur eta Gazte Literaturako Euskadi Saria 1999an eta Espainiako Kritika Saria 1994an eta 2003an.

As the jury has explained, the prize has been for "a teacher of poetic language." He added that the objectives are “the aliteration with a symbolist echo, the nonsense humor, the absurd, the Rodarian fantasy and the echoes of Basque orality”.

The writer of Aduna (Gipuzkoa) Juan Kruz Igerabide is a prolific author of literature. He has written above all novel, poetry and story. He has already published many books for children and young people.