75 ministers and former senior PSOE, pp and UCD officials show support for Juan Carlos I.ari
  • Among them are the vice-president of the GAL during the GAL, Alfonso Guerra, the defendant for crimes against humanity Rodolfo Martín Villa, Jaime Igancio del Burgo and Mayor Oreja.
Mikel Eizagirre 2020ko abuztuaren 19a
Sinatzaileetako batzuen ordezkaritza politikoak, Juan Carlos I.a erregearen erretratua gainean dutela.

Former ministers, former presidents of autonomous communities, ambassadors and other ex-prisoners have signed a manifesto in favour of Juan Carlos I.aren. 75 in total. They have defended the "presumption of innocence" of the king emeritus, without alluding in any way to the need to go to court, and have recalled the "legacy" he has left after more than forty years of activity.

The signatories have denounced that the "presumption of innocence" has been "invaded" by recent reports of irregular activities by former King Juan Carlos I during his term of office. If the facts of Bourbon deserve condemnation, they say that “the courts of justice will decide”. In his opinion, "the work done by the emeritus king in favor of democracy and the nation" can never be eliminated. Furthermore, they have warned that Spanish society would be "ungrateful" if it were condemned for the money that has allegedly been deposited in tax havens.

Among the signatories are the highest exponents of Spanish democracy, such as the former vice-president of the GAL Felipe González, Alfonso Guerra, or the former minister of UCD Rodolfo Martín Villa, to whom the Argentine courts have called to declare crimes against humanity. There are also Basques who have worked in politics, such as Marcelino Oreja, his nephew Major Oreja, Juan Pablo Fusi or Jaime Igancio del Burgo.