Joxemiel Bidor, writer, researcher, Basque philologist and collaborator of Euskalerria Irratia, was a great expert in the history and ethnography of Navarre. He collaborated for years in the Nafarkaria of Egunkaria and published some 400 articles, with the aim of spreading the popular culture of Navarre.
Later, in 1999, due to the numerous petitions he received from his friends and non-Basque friends, he also began writing in the News Journal. Turnips. History and folklore of Navarra is a compilation of texts published in that newspaper.
The Biker himself was in charge of collecting these articles, which have been based on the book and the tribute to its author, at the end of ten years of his death. The work is divided into two groups: Fifty old stories of Navarre, in the first; and Thirty topics of folklore and popular beliefs, in the second group: Fifty old stories from Navarra. He talked about the themes he loved: Basque, literature, folklore, dance, carnivals… that is, countless stories and curiosities of Navarre.
The foreword has been written by Mikel Larramendi, editor in his day of the News Journal, who has stressed that the articles have to be understood in their context and that to a large extent they have to do with the Ribera and Tudela, where Bidor lived at the time. However, they are texts written 20 years ago, but they have not lost the present, and they are a volume of sand more, with the aim of getting to know Bider better and his work.