Josu Zabala, 25 years in search of the hidden truth of the Spanish State
  • On 26 March, the Egiari Zor Foundation will hold an event in Etxarri-Aranatz to assert the right to truth about the death of Josu Zabala Salegi. @ahotsainfo 2022ko martxoaren 24a

The Egiari Zor Foundation has stressed that although Josu Zabala, a member of ETA killed in Punta Mendata (Deba), is now 25 years old, the case remains unclear, according to the same source. Zabala disappeared a few days before and did not go to the security appointments she held with ETA.

The Egiari zor Foundation has recalled that Josu Zabala's body appeared with a shot on the side of the heart and that shortly thereafter official sources began to make known the theory that he had committed suicide. The investigation launched, however, put on the table several tests that broke this official theory.

"Despite a gunshot wound in the heart with holes in the entrance and exit, there was no blood at the place where the body appeared. The pistol that appeared next to the body had no remains of Josu Zabala, no blood, no organic traces, neither inside nor outside the house. The bullet that caused the injury to the chest was not found anywhere or in the immediate vicinity. After analyzing the land of Josu Zabala's shoes, the analyses confirmed that this land was not the place where the corpse appeared," recalls Egiari Zor. The autopsy determined that the corpse died 12 hours before the discovery of the corpse, but neighbours in the area could not hear any shots on the night when Josu Zabala appeared dead. "Although the area of Punta Mendata was injured to go by car, the cars that travelled along Mendata's road in low hours were heard," point from the foundation, and on the side of the temples there was a presence of red marks, in the form of circles.

"The conclusions of the tests carried out are convincing enough to think that the official version of this case is not the truth of what happened," said Egiari zor, who added that 25 years later "still do not answer too many questions, it is time to know the truth."

The event will take place on Saturday at 19:00 in the town square of Etxarri-Aranatz.