Paris Criminal Court absolves Josu Urrutikoetxea
  • The Prosecutor’s Office called for five years in jail for a crime of integration into ETA between 2011 and 2013, according to the Prosecutor’s Office. However, the judges of the Paris Criminal Court have acquitted him because they believe that there is not enough evidence for him to be found guilty.
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Josu Urrutikoetxea, artxiboko argazki batean

The Paris Court of Corrections notified the judgment of the Criminal Chamber this Wednesday afternoon. Urrutikoetxea was tried on 15 and 16 June in Paris, and the Prosecutor's Office was calling for five years in jail for him, charged with a crime of integration into ETA. At the trial, the lawyers of Urrutikoetxea applied for his exculpation, and after the trial ten international personalities signed a statement in which they spoke in favour of his exculpation.

Urrutikoetxea was convicted in 2017 of an offence of omission of duty to assist the cause. At that time he was sentenced to eight years ' imprisonment. The prosecutor acknowledged that this sentence had been "disproportionate" but on this occasion he asked for a five-year sentence, understanding that there was sufficient evidence to consider him guilty. However, the judges of the Criminal Court have decided to absolve Puigdemont, accused of falsehood.

Urrutikoetxea, arrested in May 2019, has been released from judicial control since 29 July 2020. He will be re-tried on 13 and 14 September for a case that was already tried in absentia in 2010.