They call to recall the murders of Josu Murueta and Antón Fernández on the 50th anniversary of the events
  • At the end of October 1969, when the people of Erandio were struggling with over-pollution, Francoist police shot two citizens: Antón Fernández and Josu Murueta. The culprits had no consequence for their crimes. The collective Erandioko Oromena has called for justice on the 50th anniversary of those terrible events and has announced an act in tribute to the two deceased for next Sunday, 27.
Hiruka .eus Unai Brea @unaibrea2 2019ko urriaren 22a
(Argazkia: Sare Antifaxista)

The collective Erandioko Oromena has called for "as in previous years" justice, reparation and "guarantee of non-repetition" in an event that will take place on October 27 at 13:00 in Plaza Josu Murueta de Astrabudua. They announced this in an event held at the bottom of the Antón Fernández house in Altzaga accompanied by some 50-60 neighbours. Antón Fernández was on the balcony of his house when, during the anti-pollution mobilizations, a police officer shot him in the head and punched several punches. He died a few days later, after being in a coma.

A year earlier, in 1968, the throat cancer rate in Gran Bilbao was the highest in the Spanish state, according to the members of the Erandio Report. "The citizens went out in the street because they could not breathe, for a few days they had to go out with their mouths covered, their clothes hanging were yellow ...", they said, "it was a struggle for life and breathing". Fernandez was killed in a mobilization against this serious contagion, and in protests over this murder, Josu Murueta's life was shot by another shot.

In today's hearing, they denounced that nothing was clarified in the military trial for the killings. The managers of the company did not receive any consequences, so "everything was considered an accident".

The group has called to participate in the Sunday event and has denounced that the City of Erandio has decided to empty the anniversary of its content. The City Hall has organized several events throughout the month of October, and on the 31st there will be an event in memory of Fernández and Murueta.