Josu Martínez: “The interesting thing is to enjoy Mirande, without having to agree with him”
  • This Thursday afternoon Mirande will offer in Ziburu, Baltsan, at 18:30 hours a draft documentary to make a film. The talk will be attended by the director Josu Martínez. Within the programme of the Ziburu Fair, cultural events will be held this year for the first time in the next three weeks in Azkain, Urruña and San Juan de Luz.
Xabier Letona Biteri @xletona 2024ko maiatzaren 02a
Argazkia: Dani Blanco / ARGIA CC BY-SA

What conclusions did you draw from the draft?

That is the draft, and no conclusions are drawn from that. Like many times, you end up with more questions than at first. In short, Mirande's theme deals with universal themes, from the relationship between author and work to freedom of expression. There are no definite conclusions, and if you help to ask questions, I stick with that.

But you went to do the documentary with what purpose.

There have always been many debates around Miranda. So much has been said about her when she lived and then many complaints have been made, but what did he say? The aim has therefore been to give the floor to Miranda. That's the axis. The only problem was that he had been dead for 50 years.

Mirande has always been a controversial person, both in his life and after his death. When she lived, in general, she was not understood. Is there more understanding today?

I don't know if understanding is the word, but Mirande always reads from the time we live and reads differently from time to time. Mirande hasn't changed, but we have, so I think talking about Mirande is also talking about ourselves.

What have you discovered about Miranda?

A lot of things, as you see in the movie, but the more you know about it, the more you don't know. As Joxe Azurmendi wrote, beneath that surface dirt is a very interesting Mirande, which said “magical.” Koldo Mitxelena and Gabriel Aresti also said that we will never thank him for the gift he gave us, and I totally agree. How many writers in the 1950s are still contemporary? The works of many writers of his generation are illegible, many of them have aged very badly, but Miranda’s work is still very current.

Miranda wrote with paedophilia, but we don't know if it was her paedophile. We know, on the contrary, that he was a fan of Nazism and also recognized racism; he was a nationalist, but a denier of the nationalists of the left and right of his time, he also knew 20 languages… The figure was very complex.

Yes. He was a Martian. He lived out and out of time and if he had lived later he would have had another life, but at that time he had no place in the Basque Country or in Paris. The interesting thing is to enjoy Mirande without having to agree with her.

Where can we see the film more in the coming months?

It premiered at the San Sebastian Film Festival, was also in Hazparnekoa and will be premiered in the Iparralde cinemas in autumn. The screening and colloquium was held in Baigorri in April. In addition, the rights of the film have been ETB for over a year, but I don't know when and how.